Monday, December 28, 2009

All the Single Ladies

I recently watched a video about single black women and I could not help but wonder...WHY??? All these beautiful black women educated, why are they still single. Why is it that at my age all my black female friends are single mothers, and my white friends our married or in some type of long term relationships??? Do we as black women have a dating curse?

check it out for yourself tell me what you think???

Monday, December 7, 2009

What you mean my black not beautiful?

Last week or so I was watching a documentary on "Deracialization Plastic Surgery" and was deeply saddened to here how black features are associated with ugly and unfit for society. One girl undergoing rhinoplasty (nose) kept refering to her nose "black" nose as wide and ugly, saying she wanted a thinner PRETTIER "white" nose.

Now contrary to popular belief not ALL caucasian noses are cute and petite, there is a lot of variations. But my quetsion to you all is; Why is it that any ugly characteristic such as a huge nose and huge lips have to be associated with being black? Is it saying that if a white person has a large nose that their's is more attractive because it is on a white person? Or do we say that this white person must be "mixed" wit black to obtain such a large nose?

This stigma is not fair. This is what develops little girls into thinking their ethnic features are not gorgeous. And who came up with this idea that anything beautfiul or socially acceptable is white?

Check out the documentary...very inciteful!!!!

xoxoxo BS&S

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Step Your Game up!!!

Oooh shoes!!! It is boot season time, and as winter approaches the wardrobes tend to be a little blah =( so to spice things up a bit a sexy/fashionable boot is always the way to go. So if you are looking for a way to stand out and not break the bank try out I fell completely in love with this site over the summer and hopefully you will too!!!!

Little Miss MIA

I know BS&S has been MIA for a very long time but college came and tore us apart =(. Any who I am back and will bringing more posts and will continue celebrating the beauty that is the black woman.