This is a Rant!!!!!!
I recently...well two months ago...was in a conversation with a few associates and i just so happened to use the term "African American". And for some reason the girl of mixed descent said "I don't understand why we as black people use the term african american...were not from africa...blah blah blah...ignorance ignorance ignorance." (I'm sorry but if you have heard her speak nevermind lol)
At the time I told her I do it because I like the sound of it, but I failed to explain why I do.
See for me I know NOTHING about my heritage where I' m from or any of that due to slavery. (and you thought slavery doesn't effect my generation) I identify with the term African american because it gives me SOME sense of identity, not complete, but some. So to ask me to call myself BLACK which I am not, I am brown is insulting. Even more insulting for you to tell me what ethnicity i should chose to be apart of. So if you were one of these people I would advise you think twice before saying things like this.
I do not mind the word black, but it DOES NOT or will it ever DEFINE my culture and my identity. Black is an abyss, a crayon, translates to Negro, associated with evil and unclean....so excuse the hell out of me for wanting a more specific label.
This is something that has been burning me up, but I got my defense ready for the next person to challenge my ethnicity...so be aware. ggrrrr lol.